OpenSource prima selbstgenutzt: Mozilla Firefox

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Die Geschichte der Internetbrowser ist eine Geschichte voller Missverständnisse… Erstes Missverständnis: Für Windows-Nutzer ist der Internet Explorer vorinstalliert, also sollte man den auch benutzen. FALSCH! Hier gibt es interessante Alternativen wie beispielsweise den Mozilla Firefox, der derzeit in der Version 2.0 kostenlos angeboten wird. ( Vorteile des Firefox gegenüber dem Internet Explorer sind seine Geschwindigkeit, seine Sicherheitsvorkehrungen bzw. das Fehlen … Read More

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Gaming News – Neue Spiele

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Sam and Max – Night of the Raving Dead Ja, es ist wieder soweit: Die neueste Episode (Nummer 3) der zweiten Season von Sam and Max mit dem faszinativen Titel “Night of the Raving Dead” ist seit letzter Woche als Download verfügbar. Wie immer gibt’s die Demo gratis. Gerade aus dem Urlaub von den Osterinseln zurück werden unsere beiden tierischen … Read More

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Welcome to 2008 / Willkommen in 2008 – mixed

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Hi! Willkommen zu meinem ersten Blogeintrag in diesem Jahr, der auch gleich noch zweisprachig wird wobei ich nicht einfach eine Übersetzung mache, sondern einen Teil auf Deutsch und einen zweiten auf Englisch. Als erstes möchte ich eine kleine Filmempfehlung geben, denn ich war letzte Woche quasi unfreiwillig in Till Schweigers neuer Romantikkomödie “Keinohrhasen”. Ich war auch schon sehr angetan von … Read More

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Finally Made it through Twilight Princess

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Zelda: Twilight Princess was the first *real* game I bought for Wii. Today I took the time to get back in, beat up the last boss -still not spoiling, hehe- and therefore I’d like to announce now that I completed the game! Hooray!! Well, that’s really something and though I won’t give away the story, I really like to talk … Read More

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Apple – iPod – Which iPod are you?

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Apple – iPod – Which iPod are you? I simply can’t let that go without a note. Today Apple announced the new iPod product line. As you may know I started this blog very much with the purchase of my first iPod (Photo or 4G with 20 GB) which I actually still use. Very much indeed. Now they have redesigned … Read More

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Vague Law Scares Off Toolmakers in Germany

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Vague Law Scares Off Toolmakers in Germany Very much to my surprise I didn’t notice this earlier: German government created a law that makes it illegal to possess, use, produce, or distrubute “hacker tools”. So if you help someone to break into a computer system by providing (producing, selling etc.) either passwords or software tools, which serve this purpose, you … Read More

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Video Games = Art Question Mark

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:: :: Commentary :: Games vs. Art: Ebert vs. Barker (xhtml) I don’t know if you heard about it but when crawling through my rss feeds I found an entry on the discussion of movie critic Roger Ebert who doesn’t consider video games to be art. Full stop. I actually found it in the blog of game designer and … Read More

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Starting a Second Life

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I’ve been to second life a few times because it is a big subject in media research at the moment. However, I always try to have a subjective perspective in addition to what is said objectively. A few weeks ago I decided that I should personify my avatar so I started to work on that. It took some time to … Read More

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iTunes Plus DRM-free, not free of annoying glitches – Engadget / Zooomr fighting for Mark III

yodahomeComputer4 Comments

iTunes Plus DRM-free, not free of annoying glitches – Engadget True words, I myself experienced -and still do- problems on downloading certain songs for upgrading my library. If they load they are creepingly slow and after a minute they time out. However, of an overall count of 65 songs that I upgraded 9 seem to be a problem. It may … Read More

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New Music on iTunes – now DRM-free!!

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It’s been announced a while ago but as of today I started using iTunes Plus. iTunes Plus offers music and videos in better sound quality and without DRM at a slightly increased price (1,29 € per song in Germany, 1,99 € per video, albums prices remain). This is possible because music publisher EMI agreed to offer his music catalog for … Read More

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Episodic Gaming – Sam'n'Max and Dreamfall Chapters

yodahomeComputer, computer games, Computerspiele, Meinungen, thoughtsLeave a Comment

I just listened to a Podcast available over at Gamasutra (Link to source) where Dan Connors (CEO of Telltale Games) talks on how the idea of episodic gaming works out for Telltale and it recent releases of episodes from the Sam and Max Season 1.I find this very interesting since episodic gaming especially in my special favourite genre of adventure … Read More

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