SWIM | They Can See In The Dark – Jim Gray

yodahomeAllgemein / Generic, SWiM2 Comments

Weirdly enough, during the now four years of Senseless Wisdom in Music I’ve not done this song, although it’s one I connect with the fondest childhood memories. And many who can remember the song and the TV Series told me the same over the years, as it was a phenomenon back in the days. As the theme song of “The little … Read More

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SWIM | Paris – Kate Nash

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Kate Nash by Bobo Boom

A new week, a new challenge (or several). There’s always something around the corner, so have a little encouragement song that is, well, about growing up in a sense. And sometimes failing to. 😉 “You’ve come so far,  Well done darling! We knew that you had it in you You can do anything that you want World is an oyster! … Read More

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SWIM | Scatman’s World – Scatman John

yodahomeAllgemein / Generic, SWiM1 Comment

Scatman John

21 years ago, I was 12. And one of the most successful songs of the year 1995 was I’m the Scatman, which I have already featured in the SWIM of 13.04.2014, almost 15 years after John Larkin died. The song and the album were a phenomenon in Germany. I still own the album (physically), I did record the video clips … Read More

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SWIM | Mirrors by Justin Timberlake

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Justin Timberlake 2020 Tour 008 by J Vettorino

In Germany we call it Ohrwurm (ear-worm). It’s a song you hear somewhere and that gets stuck in your head somehow. This is one such song, and although it’s been a big hit, I didn’t really realize it by Justin Timberlake until I was searching for it. It seems that insightful lyrics can be found almost anywhere. I truly like … Read More

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SWiM | In my arms – Gentleman

yodahomeAllgemein / Generic, SWiM1 Comment

It’s Sunday again and here is the weekly SWiM. I’m still looking into reggae music atm so there might be more songs like this in the future. Today I wanted to share another song that followed me through my holidays and has me dancing almost every time… In My Arms – Gentleman “REMEMBERING THOSE DAYS WHAT WE CALL THE UNDERCOVER TIME … Read More

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funny blokes

yodahomelustich, MeinungenLeave a Comment

I haven’t posted in a while, mainly because of this thesis I am co-authoring at the moment. We’re really in our last weeks of writing and it takes most of my time. It’s gonna be le-gen-da-ry. However, I’m also in need of entertainment during those weeks and I try to generate relief by exploring new artists or rediscovering known ones … Read More

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HD+ or Why DRM still doesn’t work

yodahomepolitics, thoughtsLeave a Comment

Image via Wikipedia While evolution of humanity (abstract term for the whole species) has been quite impressive through the thousands of years, one needs to realize after a closer look, that people (certain amount of in-duh-viduals) on the other hand have continiously proven to be comparably impressingly resistent to learning in shorter time spans. Every now and then legends, myths, … Read More

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HD+ oder warum DRM immer noch nicht funktioniert

yodahomeMeinungen, Politik1 Comment

Image via Wikipedia Die Menschheit (abstrakter Begriff für Spezies) hat sich über die Jahrtausende ja durchaus beeindruckend weiterentwickelt, im Detail muss man jedoch feststellen, dass die Menschen (Summe aus Individuen) sich wiederholt als ebenso beeindruckend lernresistent erwiesen haben. Es gibt immer wieder Legenden, Mythen, Halbwahrheiten oder widerlegte Fakten, die sich über Jahre, Jahrzehnte oder Jahrhunderte am Leben erhalten und trotz … Read More

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Werteverfall 2010 – Ein Rückblick

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Image by tm-md via Flickr Nun ja, er wird überall schon seit Jahren beklagt und auch 2010 war dominiert vom bösen Werteverfall. Fangen wir zunächst mit ein paar eigenen Werten dieses Blogs an: 2009 veröffentlichte Artikel: 68 mit insgesamt 26509 Wörtern 2010 veröffentlichte Artikel: 29 mit insgesammt 23394 Wörtern Wie man klar erkennen kann, sind diese Werte  2010 unheimlich verfallen, … Read More

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Aufbauende Musik – Eine Liste

yodahomeAllgemein / Generic, life, Musik, thoughts2 Comments

Music Note Bokeh by all that improbable blue

Jepp, lange nichts mehr über Musik gebloggt. Das können wir ändern: Ich habe eben eine neue Wiedergabeliste mit dem schönen Titel “building-up”. Die Idee dabei ist, Lieder aus meiner Datenbank zu fischen, die sich von einer minimalistischen-leisen-zurückhaltenden Stimmung in eine breite-multiinstrumentelle-wildeverzweigte Klangfläche hineinsteigern. Dabei nimmt sie den Hörer (meiner Meinung nach) im besten Fall emotional auf eine – möglicherweise kurze – Reise mit.

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