SWIM | Frisör – Thomas D.

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Thomas D

Es ist zwar der dritte Advent, aber nicht immer muss ein weihnachtlicher Song auch von Weihnachten handeln. Manchmal braucht es nur ein wenig Jazz & Big Band-Feeling um einen Song weihnachtskompatibel zu machen, unabhängig davon worum es thematisch geht. For english-speaking readers: This is a German rap song about a hairstylist turned rapper, who looks back and wants to go back … Read More

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SWIM | They Can See In The Dark – Jim Gray

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Weirdly enough, during the now four years of Senseless Wisdom in Music I’ve not done this song, although it’s one I connect with the fondest childhood memories. And many who can remember the song and the TV Series told me the same over the years, as it was a phenomenon back in the days. As the theme song of “The little … Read More

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SWIM | Paris – Kate Nash

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Kate Nash by Bobo Boom

A new week, a new challenge (or several). There’s always something around the corner, so have a little encouragement song that is, well, about growing up in a sense. And sometimes failing to. 😉 “You’ve come so far,  Well done darling! We knew that you had it in you You can do anything that you want World is an oyster! … Read More

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SWIM | Scatman’s World – Scatman John

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Scatman John

21 years ago, I was 12. And one of the most successful songs of the year 1995 was I’m the Scatman, which I have already featured in the SWIM of 13.04.2014, almost 15 years after John Larkin died. The song and the album were a phenomenon in Germany. I still own the album (physically), I did record the video clips … Read More

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SWIM | Mirrors by Justin Timberlake

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Justin Timberlake 2020 Tour 008 by J Vettorino

In Germany we call it Ohrwurm (ear-worm). It’s a song you hear somewhere and that gets stuck in your head somehow. This is one such song, and although it’s been a big hit, I didn’t really realize it by Justin Timberlake until I was searching for it. It seems that insightful lyrics can be found almost anywhere. I truly like … Read More

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SWIM | I’m not the Man – Ben Folds

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Today I’ve got a more thought heavy song for you, because there hasn’t been a Ben Folds song on a while… 😉 “What will they write about me? What will the version be when all is said and done? Will they remember all of the places seen, the poems lost, Or am I just wondering on? Yeah, I’m just wondering on. … Read More

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SWiM | In my arms – Gentleman

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It’s Sunday again and here is the weekly SWiM. I’m still looking into reggae music atm so there might be more songs like this in the future. Today I wanted to share another song that followed me through my holidays and has me dancing almost every time… In My Arms – Gentleman “REMEMBERING THOSE DAYS WHAT WE CALL THE UNDERCOVER TIME … Read More

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