SWIM | Hoppípolla – Sigur Rós

yodahomeAllgemein / Generic, SWiM2 Comments

Sigur Ros by alterna2 (flickr)

There are times when looking back at your life you may find yourself remembering childhood and the feeling of easiness, of not having to care. And there are songs that catch this feeling well, even if you don’t get  language.

Hoppípolla – Sigur Rós

Spinning 'round and 'round
Holding hands
The whole world a blur
But you are standing
Completely drenched
No rubber boots
Running in us
Want to erupt from a shell
Wind in
And outdoor smell of your hair
I hit as fast as I could
With my nose"

Lyrics: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/hoppipolla-jumpin-puddles.html

Video: https://vimeo.com/3986821

photo by alterna2 on flickr, CC-BY

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