SWIM | Paris – Kate Nash

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Kate Nash by Bobo Boom

A new week, a new challenge (or several). There’s always something around the corner, so have a little encouragement song that is, well, about growing up in a sense. And sometimes failing to. 😉 “You’ve come so far,  Well done darling! We knew that you had it in you You can do anything that you want World is an oyster! … Read More

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SWIM | Scatman’s World – Scatman John

yodahomeAllgemein / Generic, SWiM1 Comment

Scatman John

21 years ago, I was 12. And one of the most successful songs of the year 1995 was I’m the Scatman, which I have already featured in the SWIM of 13.04.2014, almost 15 years after John Larkin died. The song and the album were a phenomenon in Germany. I still own the album (physically), I did record the video clips … Read More

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SWIM | Mirrors by Justin Timberlake

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Justin Timberlake 2020 Tour 008 by J Vettorino

In Germany we call it Ohrwurm (ear-worm). It’s a song you hear somewhere and that gets stuck in your head somehow. This is one such song, and although it’s been a big hit, I didn’t really realize it by Justin Timberlake until I was searching for it. It seems that insightful lyrics can be found almost anywhere. I truly like … Read More

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SWIM | I’m not the Man – Ben Folds

yodahomeAllgemein / Generic, SWiM1 Comment


Today I’ve got a more thought heavy song for you, because there hasn’t been a Ben Folds song on a while… 😉 “What will they write about me? What will the version be when all is said and done? Will they remember all of the places seen, the poems lost, Or am I just wondering on? Yeah, I’m just wondering on. … Read More

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SWiM | In my arms – Gentleman

yodahomeAllgemein / Generic, SWiM1 Comment

It’s Sunday again and here is the weekly SWiM. I’m still looking into reggae music atm so there might be more songs like this in the future. Today I wanted to share another song that followed me through my holidays and has me dancing almost every time… In My Arms – Gentleman “REMEMBERING THOSE DAYS WHAT WE CALL THE UNDERCOVER TIME … Read More

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Gedanken zum Jahresabschluss 2015 (mit Zahlenwirrwarr)

yodahomeAllgemein / Generic, In eigener Sache1 Comment

Fireworks von Tom Childers (flickr) (CC-BY) - https://www.flickr.com/photos/tc57/8632354513/

Und wieder geht ein Jahr zu Ende. Es ist ruhiger geworden hier auf dem Blog, Arbeit an zwei bis drei Fronten hat einige Ideen verhindert, die ich für Beiträge gehabt habe. Außerdem ist das Jahr global betrachtet ein wenig schillerndes, wenn man an die großen Nachrichten denkt. Flüchtlinge und die Diskussion um ihren Verbleib, demonstrative Dummheit bei einem Bruchteil der Menschheit … Read More

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Ganz ohne Taxi nach Paris – Encore une fois (Teil 2)

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Panorama Sacré-Coeur

In der Serie „Hauptstädte Europas erkunden“ hat es uns dieses Jahr nach Paris, Frankreich verschlagen. Geschichte, Kultur, einzigartige Sehenswürdigkeiten, all das findet man dort in großer Zahl. In knapp sieben Tagen haben wir, also mein Vater, mein Onkel und ich, wieder versucht mit wenig bis keinen Sprachkenntnissen unseren Weg in der Metropole zu finden. Wie das funktioniert hat, davon handelt … Read More

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