blessings of the modern life

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I’m into gadgets. I like those tiny little things that make our living easier. Well, to be honest I also like the big things that make life easier. There have been numerous inventions that changed life profoundly: Cars, Television, cell phone, Personal Computers, those machines that blow hot air to dry your hands with. However, there’s yet another cool thing. … Read More

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O'Reilly Radar > From the Labs: Photosynth

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O’Reilly Radar > From the Labs: Photosynth Pretty amazing stuff. What it does: Imagine you took a lot of photos of a certain object or building or place. Photosynth analyzes those Photos and reconstructs the content (e.g. the object or place) in 3D space!The tech preview (which -surprisingly- works in IE 6 and 7) shows the idea pretty good. Give … Read More

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Always Look On the Bright Side of Monty Python Music

yodahomeOhne KategorieLeave a Comment I’m just preparing to leave because it’s Saturday and like any Saturday I will go to work. Sounds funny? It isn’t. But I like the job and at least I’m not sitting around doing nothing with my time. 😉 However, to be in a good mood I’m just listening to “Monty Python Sings” which like the name suggests contains … Read More

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Computer Games for real

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YouTube – Lucasarts composers Live at Hollywood Bowl Well, I like computer games very much, There’s pretty much nothing more obvious than that. That’s why I always like it when computer games swap into the so-called “real world”. *g* The above link leads to a video of a concert where LucasArts composers play some of the famous tunes from several … Read More

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Web 2.0 / Seaside / Firefox 2.0

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Seaside Homepage Well, there are plenty of really neat ways to produce web applications. Most of you (like me) will work with php, mysql and probably enrich those with new AJAX features using one the available libraries like rico, SAJAX or Well, there is yet another way. Some of you may have heard about Smalltalk and/or are using it. … Read More

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The Dilbert Blog: Optimist Cures Unhappiness – Wins Some Sort of Prize

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The Dilbert Blog: Optimist Cures Unhappiness – Wins Some Sort of Prize Actually there’s plenty of interesting information in this article I’ve not been familiar with. That’s not necessarily true of the comments. However, in short: I tend to feel sleepy quite often and I never thought about a correllation to my consuming-liquids-behaviour. I’ll try to add drink more now. … Read More

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Attention: Friend abroad

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This is just a little reference to a new blog. My pal Roland spends the next couple of months in Japan and to keep everybody informed about his journey he started this blog: . As you might (or might not) realise this is in german only so you better get out your german vocabulary quickly. Tags: friends blog link … Read More

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Classic Adventure with classic copy protection

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News at (german) Pretty cool: The next installment of the successfull adventure game ‘Ankh’ (g sounds like they already did dozens of it but it’s actually the second) will have a code wheel for copy protection! Remember Monkey Island? Before being able to play the game you had to enter a 4-digit code from two paper wheels with different … Read More

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Teaching creativity

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After watching this video of the speech Sir Ken Robinson gave at 2006 TED Conference I was really astonished reviewing my own educational biography up to now. One of his points was that the whole system of public education is build as a kind of preparation for creating university students and -on top of all- professors. They are somehow meant … Read More

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Official Google Blog: 55 Ways to Have Fun With Google

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Official Google Blog: 55 Ways to Have Fun With Google This is really a cool thing. A german Author self-publishes a book about the entertaining side of Google while offering the book itself on a Creative Commons license. Take a look! Btw. this seems to be my post number 50. I guess that’s also the total number of people ever … Read More

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