“Decisions were made here recently against my will to change my computer system. [..] I’m switching – I’m being told – from a PC to a Mac. [..] Now here’s what I don’t understand: Is a Mac not a personal computer? “
– David Letterman – 10.05.2010
There are several reasons conventional Non-Mac users don’t like the Mac. Hearing them argue – for the most part – they just don’t get it. That’s fine. Then there are some serious issues that the Mac has or has had. Several of them have been addressed over the past few years. E.g. there was a time when there was not much software for the Mac. No problem anymore. In the past exchanging files or data in general between Mac and Windows was quite hard or nearly impossible. It is no more. And many PC Gamers kept arguing that there were no games on the Mac. Well, that’s about to change. EA and many other publishers started cross-publishing their games (Sims 3, Spore) to the Mac a while ago. Mac versions of games are developed, independent games usually also come to the Mac. Like from Telltale.
- Image via Wikipedia
Now Valve, creator of games like Half-Life (2) and Portal, brings the Steam platform to the Mac. Steam is not only a games store and download service, it’s also a community platform and offers mainstream games as well as independent work side by side. It’s been available on Windows since 2004 and has developed heavily over the years. Now a Steam client is available for the Mac and it is accompanied by SteamPlay, which basically means that you can buy a game once and play it on PC and Mac (if available). And for introduction the hit game Portal is available for free (on both Platforms)!
When I installed Steam I found 10 games out of 100+Â I own to be playable on the Mac. But Valve promises that count is going to rise with new releases every wednesday for the coming weeks. I guess I’ll test Portal on the Macbook, just for fun. *g*
And again, there’s one reason less to not buy a Mac.
Related articles by Zemanta
- Portal, the corporate training success video (boingboing.net)
- Steam For Mac Is Live, Includes Free Copy of Portal [Steam] (kotaku.com)
- Steam for Mac launches. Linux client in the works. (godisageek.com)