Flash and Mobile Devices

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{EAV:22a98fd99a5efa18} Last week, Adobe announced that it will stop developing the Flash Player for mobile devices. It may seem like a surprising news, but the most convincing reason to create Flash apps and sites is Flash’s installed base. Because of the popularity of YouTube and other sites that require Flash, most computer users install the Flash Player (99% of the … Read More

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An excellent collection of various geeky movie poster designs by…

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The Fifth Element Retro Movie Poster Tron Legacy Movie Poster Jurassic Park: Sci-Fi Movie Poster Inception Movie Poster Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Star Wars: A New Hope Harry Potter Movie Poster Total Recall: Sci-Fi Movie Poster Blade Runner: Sci-Fi Movie Poster An excellent collection of various geeky movie poster designs by artist … Read More

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YouTube's Google+ Player

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Google+ added a small YouTube icon that’s always displayed next to the scrollbar. When you mouse over the icon, you’ll see a search box that asks you “what would you like to play?”. Type your query and Google+ opens a pop-up window with 20 search results. It’s actually a playlist and videos start playing automatically. You can +1 a video … Read More

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Krise in Athen: Papandreou stimmt Bildung einer Notregierung zu – SPIEGEL ONLINE

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Oha, ich glaube jetzt brennt’s langsam… Krise in Athen: Papandreou stimmt Bildung einer Notregierung zu – SPIEGEL ONLINE http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,795704,00.html In die griechische Regierungskrise kommt Bewegung. Der griechische Premier Papandreou stimmt laut einem TV-Bericht der Bildung einer Übergangsregierung zu. Posted via email from senseless quickies

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